How Our Journey Begins


In 1997, at the age of 26, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey, expanding my family’s successful business from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom. Despite my initial inexperience, I was fortunate to have the guidance of my father, Henk Schrijver, and the support of my family. Our product quickly gained attention, leading to a pivotal moment when it was featured in The Times. This exposure sparked an overwhelming interest across the UK, from London to Scotland, and Wales to Northern Ireland, allowing me to explore the diverse architecture and landscapes of this great nation.


The UK offered both challenges and opportunities. From historic watermills and lighthouses to townhouses, I had the privilege of working across a spectrum of properties, meeting a wide range of clients. This experience not only deepened my love for the UK but also highlighted the universal challenge of dampness in buildings, a problem I was determined to solve.


Driven by hard work and dedication, our team grew, and we established significant advertising partnerships with major newspapers, enhancing our visibility and enabling us to serve more clients. By 2002, our efforts were recognised with the prestigious Best British Enterprise Award, a moment of pride and confirmation of our positive impact.


The journey was not without its trials. The pandemic posed unprecedented challenges, leading to a closure of the company. However, resilience is at the core of our ethos. We have adapted and are now excited to offer our solutions to the new market, bringing decades of expertise to each client.


Today, as I personally conduct damp surveys and participate in installations, I am reminded of the journey that brought us here. Our commitment to quality and client satisfaction remains unwavering. The past years have been a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of community.


As we move forward, we hold onto the lessons learned and the relationships built. We look to the future with optimism, ready to continue serving our clients with the same dedication and excellence that has defined our journey.



Kind regards,

Frank Schrijver


Taking a new course on damp

DAMP is the scourge of many London homes, and curing it can be a nightmare. Some mort- gage companies won’t lend money on properties unless they have had damp proofing courses installed, cowboy damp-proofing companies are rife, and the latest research indicates that most chemical injection courses simply don’t work. Consumers are confused.

Just launched in this country is the Schrijver System, which claims not only to “banish ris- ing damp, condensation and mould from a broad range of properties” but also to create a healthier living environment by reducing the relative humidity in the air, reducing the quantity of dust mites, offering a permanent solution with no chemicals.

The system, which is Dutch, won a national Invention of the Year Award and is installed in more than 25,000 homes.

Rectangular holes are drilled out of the exterior wall 14in above ground level at approxi- mately 14in intervals, into which hollow ceramic bricks are cemented. The cold spots created by air being forced into the hollows attract damp, which condenses and evaporates. The stronger the wind blowing out- side, the more effectively it works. It can be used in ordi- nary or cavity walls. A typical three-bedroom semi will cost about £1,500 to £2,000, and a full refund is guaranteed if the customer isn’t satisfied within a year of installation.

The basement of Robin Har- wood’s Victorian Barnes home was so riddled with damp when he first bought it 15 months ago that using it as an office was Impossible. “I was never com- fortable with the idea of using a suppressing system with chemicals,” he says, so he tried the Schrijver System. Six months on, “Parts of the wall certainly look much drier and I don’t ex- perience the same dampness.”

Peter White, a self- employed travel consultant, turned to the system after a previous damp course in his west London home failed, leaving the walls dripping. and remains hopeful. “It seems OK, although it’s early days.”

Throwback Thursday: Revisiting the 1997 Home Revolution

Discover the inspiring tale of environmental ingenuity in our “Throwback Thursday” feature, where we revisit the origins of our sustainable solution to dampness. Launched in 1997 and highlighted in The Times, now the Schrijver System has serviced over 30,000 homes.[/caption]

In 1997, a couple faced a challenge familiar to many homeowners: the pervasive problem of dampness. Seeking a lasting solution, they turned to the Schrijver System marking a pivotal moment in home maintenance.

Amongst the trailblazers of ’97 was our damp-proofing system. It began with a couple’s determination to find a permanent fix for their damp home, leading to the adaptation of a method from the Netherlands that would soon spread across the region.

Today, after more than two decades, the Schrijver System has been embraced by over 30,000 households. Its success is reflected not just in the numbers, but in the sustained satisfaction of homeowners who have witnessed its reliability and effectiveness. Our commitment to eco-friendly solutions has only grown stronger, driven by the positive feedback from homeowners.

The journey from 1997 to 2024 shows that environmentally friendly solutions don’t just protect our homes; they protect our planet. Our commitment to eco-friendly solutions has only grown stronger, driven by the positive feedback from homeowners.

For a deeper understanding of where it all began, we encourage you to read the original 1997 article from The Times, “Couple go Dutch to rid their home of dampness,” which details the humble beginnings of our system.

10 Signs of Rising Damp


There are 3 types of damp that can affect properties – condensation, penetrating damp and rising damp. Rising damp occurs when ground water soaks into a wall or floor – similar to how a sponge absorbs water. A damp proof course and membrane stops water causing damage to a property by sealing and protecting it. A damp proof course is built into a wall above ground level with a damp proof membrane laid beneath a concrete floor. Newer houses will have a damp proof course and membrane although houses built prior to 1875 may not.

Damp proofing can get damaged over time, which can result in rising damp. It could also be the level of the ground is higher than the damp proof course or there is something amiss with drainage. The key signs of rising damp to look out for include:

  • 1. Tide marks on the inside and outside wall; usually no more than a metre above ground level
  • 2. Damp stains above the skirting board
  • Signs of Rising Damp - Rotting skirting boards
  • 3. Crumbling or rotting skirting boards
  • 4. Discoloration or staining on walls
  • 5. Deposits causing blistering on walls
  • 6. Black mould
  • Signs of Rising Damp - Wallpaper
  • 7. Peeling wallpaper
  • 8. Rotting floor boards
  • 9. Raised floor coverings
  • 10. Smell – you can often smell damp even if you can’t actually see it

The cause of the damp needs to be identified before it can be removed as different damp issues can require different treatments. Frank Schrijver are rising damp specialists with their innovative Schrijver System an economically friendly way to lower humidity levels inside your property, leading to dry walls and continuous protection against damp.

Working with natural ventilation processes, it permanently removes rising damp. Installed outside your home, dry air flows through a series of handmade elements. This causes a drop in temperature and a “cold bridge”, taking moisture from the wall interior where it is deposited within the element. This then evaporates outside resulting in continuous damp protection.

The Schrijver System is the green alternative to damp proofing. With a lifetime guarantee, there’s no mess or redecorating required, and it’s kinder to the environment as no harsh chemicals are used. To find out more about the Schrijver System, please contact us on 01883 740 435  or email